 Create Account 

The 20th International Scientific Conference of the Dental Faculty Consortium of Thailand (DFCT2023)


& 55th Anniversary of the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University

Create your account to complete your profile before submission of your abstract/manuscript/extended abstract and registration for this meeting. After your account is created, you will receive an email to confirm your account information and username/password that can later be used to access your page of submission and registration.

Account Information

Please fill in the required information.

** For Dental Student and Postgraduate Student group who would like to submit for RESEARCH COMPETITION AWARD, only one representative from each dental school in each category is allowed **

The Dental Faculty Consortium of Thailand respects your privacy and assures that it is in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Laws, we would like to ask for your consent to allow us to collect, use or disclose your personal data obtained from you for the following purposes:

I have read and acknowledged the Privacy Policy which contains the details of the protection of my personal data, on website www.dfct2023.com.com

Account User

You will receive an email notification to confirm your registration in order to submit your abstract/manuscript/extended abstract.